December 18, 2006 - One day closer to Christmas!

Hi everybody, well here I am, two days in a row!! Slurp! Mom gave me a big surprise today. She got up early and got ready to go out, I figured I'd was staying home like I usually do, but she packed me up in my carrier, and off we went when dad got home from work. When we got where we were going, I was really nervous cause it smelled funny, but it turned out that mom was going to see a new nurse practitioner who is going to help her with all kinds of things. I'm not sure what a nurse practitioner is, but mom said it was okay, I wasn't getting a shot or anything....
We were early getting there this morning, and mom let me out of my carrier onto the floor with my leash. All of a sudden I smelled something. Boy was it different smelling. I had no idea what it was and so I hid behind moms feet. And THERE HE WAS!! A great big dog!! He was all chocolate colored, and really big. He came right up to me and sat down. He just looked at me. At first I thought he was going to try to eat me for lunch!!
But he didn't. His name is Winchester, and he's a chocolate labrador. He's really pretty looking and very gentle. He lay down and rolled over and let me crawl all over him and have fun. It was great!! Mom even let me stay and play there while she went and met with the lady she was there to see. It was great fun.
Well that's it for today, I'm beat, and need a nap, and mom's waiting for me to go nap with her too.
Hope you all had a great day!!
At 7:56 PM,
Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…
Boomer, we have two cousins that are labradors and they are pretty laid back. We bark at them when we see them and they just look at us like they aren't sure what to do. We think are were safe with him.
We like your picture of the Christmas tree with the blinking lights. Mom wonders how you did that.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
At 7:57 PM,
Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…
Oops, we meant to say ...
We think *you* were safe with him.
R,S & A
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