December 17, 2006

Hi Everyone!! I want to first say how sorry I am that I haven't been posting to my blog recently. My mom hasn't been feeling well, and even went away for a little while to a big building where I couldn't be with her. She came home finally, but it took a while, and now she's doing lots of sleeping and lying down on the couch. That's okay though cause I get to snuggle with her when she's lying down!! Slurp!
It's just one week until Christmas!! Here in Fairbanks, it's very cold, and very dark Right now we only have about four hours of daylight, and not much sunlight at all. But that's okay cause come the 21st we start getting longer days again.
It's been too cold for me to to go outside very much, and mom doesn't want to go outside and catch cold right now when she's not feeling good, so we've been doing the race circuit in here. Slurp. It's fun, I start in the kitchen and run through the living room, down the hall, to the bathroom then I turn around and run all the way back. I do that about ten times and get really excited chasing the cats up and down the hall!!
Well that's all my news for right now, Mom says I have to finish up cause she can't sit at the computer for very long right now. We'll try to post more tomorrow though!!
I sure hope you've all been extra good this year so Santa will come and give you all sorts of neat treats and new beds and blankets and good stuff!!
Take care everyone!
At 7:55 PM,
Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…
Welocme back, Boomer! Tell your mom we are sending healing dachsies wishes to her. They work really well! You are so good to stay by your mom in case she needs anything. It sounds like it is so cold, she needs you to help her stay warm!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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