This is Where I Live

Hi again, here's a picture of where I live. This is looking out the front window of our trailer here in Fairbanks, Alaska. This picture is from last winter, but it looks pretty much the same right now.
On the side there you can just see the edge of the deck that we use in the summer. Mom likes to garden some and so we get to go out on the deck and sit in the sun while she gardens. You can see the tracks on the pond out front, the snowmobiles like to go out there in the winter, and there are ducks in the summer that visit us there too. I like to watch the ducks. They aren't afraid of me either I can almost go right up to them. I try to sniff but they don't let me get THAT close.
When I first got here, I used to run away, I like to run you know. I can run really fast, and my mom can't keep up with me when I'm running. But then cause I kept running away, she started putting me in a harness and on a big long rope so I could only go so far without having to stop. That way mom doesn't have to try to run after me. I figured out pretty quick that when I run away it's really hard on my mom, see she can't walk very well, or very far, so I don't run away anymore, I stay nice and close.

Mom says it's time for dinner now, and I'm awful hungry today, so I'll talk to you all again soon!
Night night everyone.
At 7:32 PM,
Mary-Margaret O'Brien said…
Dear Boomer: I just LOVE your blog. Oh, I can't wait to read it every day. It's really just like being pen pals only better, isn't it?
I think Melody and Pepper look like they had a nice life together. I'm really sorry to hear about Melody. But now Pepper has a little brother. That must be nice for him (and the cats, but we can talk about cats some other day, ok?).
Love, Mary-Margaret
At 4:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Boomer! We are friends of Mary-Margaret too but guess what? We are FROM Fairbanks, Alaska. We just moved from there 2 years ago :) What a small world, isn't it?
Simon & Hallie
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Boomer,Auntie Dee here.
Really love reading your blog.
I live in you know,and we get snow here too.
Not as much as you do.
Tell your mommy thanks for putting the three links on her e/m's.
Look forward to hearing more about you day to day adventures.
Love ya Boomer
Auntie Dee
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