Hi Everyone!
Well, this is my Blog. My name is Boomer! My human daddy picked this name for me. I had a funny start to life, at least that's what my human mommy says. Last September (September 4, 2005) Melody (who was my mommy's yorkie) had to be put down cause she was really sick. So all winter from September, 2005 to April, 2006, my humans and Pepper (mommy's other yorkie) were all alone (well except for the cats that is, Kevin and Benny). Melody and Pepper grew up together, they were best buddies and then when Melody had to go to Rainbow Bridge, Mommy and Pepper were very sad.
This is a picture of Pepper (on the left) and Melody (on the right) on the couch last year, I didn't know Melody, but she sure looks like she'd be fun to play with!!
In January, 2006, my human mom decided that it was time to start looking for another yorkie to keep Pepper and her company!! So they started to visit the local animal shelter, and started looking around. You see all my human mom and dad's pets are rescues, and the pets find them, they don't find the pets.
On April 22, 2006, my human mom and dad went to the animal shelter, and were looking around at all the dogs and cats that were there that day. They went into the big dog room, and were looking at all the really big cool dogs in there. They weren't looking for a big dog, but when they go the shelter, they always look and see everyone there.
They went to the very back of the big dog room, way back in the corner, and there was an empty cage there, except it wasn't empty!! I was in there!! I only weigh 4.8 pounds, and I was in a cage that was made for a german sheppard sized dog, so there I was running around in figure eights all over the cage. My human dad started to laugh, and said, there's our new dog!! I didn't stop running, I wanted out of that cage so bad!!
My human mom went back to the front of the shelter and talked to one of the ladies, and that lady that worked there came back with a key and let me out of the cage. My human mom picked me up, and they got a good look at me (and here I'd been running around so they wouldn't really get a good view of me!!) Mom declared "Oh! He's just cute as a button!!" And my dad said, yeah, a really active button.... You see I was still squirming like crazy in mom's arms.
They talked about it for a while, and while they were talking I fell asleep in my mom's arms, and then dad took me and held me while they discussed the matter of bringing me home. They decided they wanted me and so they took me up to the front of the shelter and told the nice ladies there that they wanted to take me home. Well it turned out they couldn't take me right then, there were a total of four families wanting to take me home, and so on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 the shelter was going to hold a drawing for me, to see which family would get to take me home!! They were there on Tuesday (after visiting me on Sunday and Monday too!) real early about a half hour before the drawing was to take place. The visited with me and then went to the shelter desk to be there for the drawing. When my human mom saw the other families, she figured there was no way they were going to get to take me home, but my dad wrote their names down on a piece of paper that the lady gave him, and the paper got put in a can for the drawing. After about five minutes they made the drawing and they called my mom and dad's names!! They were so excited!! So I got to go to my forever home on April 25, 2006.
Well, on April 29, 2006, my mommy decided to take a picture of me, cause I was finally still enough to catch me on the camera!
That's my first picture ever taken of just me!! I'm sitting in my mom's arms, and dad's taking the picture.
There aren't very many good pictures of me, you see I rarely sit or stand still enough to catch me! I'm a real going concern, if I'm not chasing a cat,
then I'm chasing Pepper. If I'm not chasing Pepper or chasing a cat, then I'm barking at mom or dad to come play with me!! We don'tknow when my real birthday is, so we picked June 22, 2006 as my 1 year birthday, cause they said at the shelter that I was about ten months old when I got there.
Anyways, I'm getting really tired now, it's late for me to be up and my mom's telling me it's time for me to go to bed. I'll try and post the rest of my story tomorrow!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope to talk to you soon again.
Hugs and Boomer Kisses.

In January, 2006, my human mom decided that it was time to start looking for another yorkie to keep Pepper and her company!! So they started to visit the local animal shelter, and started looking around. You see all my human mom and dad's pets are rescues, and the pets find them, they don't find the pets.
On April 22, 2006, my human mom and dad went to the animal shelter, and were looking around at all the dogs and cats that were there that day. They went into the big dog room, and were looking at all the really big cool dogs in there. They weren't looking for a big dog, but when they go the shelter, they always look and see everyone there.
They went to the very back of the big dog room, way back in the corner, and there was an empty cage there, except it wasn't empty!! I was in there!! I only weigh 4.8 pounds, and I was in a cage that was made for a german sheppard sized dog, so there I was running around in figure eights all over the cage. My human dad started to laugh, and said, there's our new dog!! I didn't stop running, I wanted out of that cage so bad!!
My human mom went back to the front of the shelter and talked to one of the ladies, and that lady that worked there came back with a key and let me out of the cage. My human mom picked me up, and they got a good look at me (and here I'd been running around so they wouldn't really get a good view of me!!) Mom declared "Oh! He's just cute as a button!!" And my dad said, yeah, a really active button.... You see I was still squirming like crazy in mom's arms.
They talked about it for a while, and while they were talking I fell asleep in my mom's arms, and then dad took me and held me while they discussed the matter of bringing me home. They decided they wanted me and so they took me up to the front of the shelter and told the nice ladies there that they wanted to take me home. Well it turned out they couldn't take me right then, there were a total of four families wanting to take me home, and so on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 the shelter was going to hold a drawing for me, to see which family would get to take me home!! They were there on Tuesday (after visiting me on Sunday and Monday too!) real early about a half hour before the drawing was to take place. The visited with me and then went to the shelter desk to be there for the drawing. When my human mom saw the other families, she figured there was no way they were going to get to take me home, but my dad wrote their names down on a piece of paper that the lady gave him, and the paper got put in a can for the drawing. After about five minutes they made the drawing and they called my mom and dad's names!! They were so excited!! So I got to go to my forever home on April 25, 2006.

That's my first picture ever taken of just me!! I'm sitting in my mom's arms, and dad's taking the picture.
There aren't very many good pictures of me, you see I rarely sit or stand still enough to catch me! I'm a real going concern, if I'm not chasing a cat,
then I'm chasing Pepper. If I'm not chasing Pepper or chasing a cat, then I'm barking at mom or dad to come play with me!! We don'tknow when my real birthday is, so we picked June 22, 2006 as my 1 year birthday, cause they said at the shelter that I was about ten months old when I got there.
Anyways, I'm getting really tired now, it's late for me to be up and my mom's telling me it's time for me to go to bed. I'll try and post the rest of my story tomorrow!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope to talk to you soon again.
Hugs and Boomer Kisses.
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