It's Been A Week!

Ugh, my mom is so mean!! This is the first time I've been able to get to the computer for a whole week, so nobody knows what I've been doing for a whole week! Mom says work has to come first. I'm not sure what work really is, except that I have to leave mom alone while she's working, and that's not nice either, so not only don't I get to ready my best buddy's blog, HI Mary-Margaret! Long time no see!, but I don't get to post on my blog either. sigh.
This is a picture of Pepper and me playing, this is Pepper's favorite bed, it's right by mom's desk and he sleeps there alot.
Well let's see... last Tuesday it was really cold outside, I didn't go out all day, I just used my piddle pads inside. Mom worked, and I slept alot. I watched Animal Planet, cause I like that channel, and mom says it keeps me occupied sometimes. I got a bath and got to snuggle with mom for a while before she fell asleep.
On Wednesday, I got to sit on mom's lap while she worked most of the day, but she had room for me on her lap today, so that was nice. She put my favorite blanket on her lap and I just snuggled up. Then the mailman came, and I got a new Bully Stick!! That was really neat! Our mailman always is happy to see me and has a treat for me too. Well it took mom forever to get the package open and give me the bully stick, but boy was it ever worth waiting for!! Those are great!! I'd recommend them to everyone out there, they're wonderful, and I'm not even half way through my first one yet. But I got to play with it for over an hour.
Thursday was fun!! I got to go shopping with mom. We went to the pet store and got my food, and some more treats that fit into my Kong toys. We went to the grocery store (where I hide in my carrier, inside mom's jacket) and got some other food, that I don't get to eat. And we went to the bank, where I get to get out of my carrier and run around to see everyone. Then we came home again. Mom decided she was tired and lay down for a nap after shopping and so we got to cuddle for a long time. Mom didn't sleep, but she held onto me and cuddled me and gave me back rubs and tummy rubs, it was really nice. I like spending time with mom like that.
On Friday, mom was doing something strange for work, and so she had to be on the phone alot that day. I didn't get many snuggles, cuddles or anything. When I barked at her she made me be quiet. I think she was talking to her boss and other people on the phone, and it lasted forever! I had to go out and told her so, but she just ignored me, so I used my piddle pads. I wanted to go out to see if the cats had been by, or to see if those things my mom keeps saying could be out there now that it's winter. She says she has to look outside first cause there might be moose outside. I don't know what moose are, but I'm looking for them everytime I get to go out!! If I get to meet a moose I'll get mom to take a picture and post it for everyone to see!
Anyway folks, that was last week!! Mom wants the computer again. She says she's going to be really busy again this week, and I need to be fast on the computer... doesn't she realize how hard it is to type all this with four pads, and no thumb? Sheesh. But she says I can get back on the computer later on today, so I hope to talk to you all again really soon!!
Love Boomer
At 4:29 AM,
Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…
Boomer, where are you? We are missing you!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
At 8:41 AM,
Mini Violets said…
Hi Roxie, Sammy and Andy, thanks for writing!! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long, but mom was sick for a while, and still isn't completely back to normal. She's doing better now than she was though so we'll be posting more.
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