Boomer's Blog

This is my Blog. Some of my best friends have blogs, and my mommy finally said I could have one too!! :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11, 2007

Hi everybody!! It's finally warmed up a little bit here now, and it's nice enough that I can go outside!!

Instead of it being -30 and -40, it's warmed up to zero and above now. We had 6 degrees today, it's great!! I went outside and ran around in the snow in the yard, it was cool, but it sure was warmer than it's been in a while. I got all wet playing in the snow, it was alot of fun.

I hope that all you nice folks who are getting the cold and snow are all okay, no power outs or anything like that. I'd hate to think that you folks are cold or sitting in the dark!

Anyhow, I'm all worn out, and mom's already telling me that it's time for bed, so I guess I'd better go now.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

January 7, 2007

Well everyone, it hit -40 last night and dad says the car won't start, it's frozen. sigh. Mom was a bit upset at that news cause she says it means we can't go anywhere. I figure that's okay cause it's too cold out to go anywhere anyways!! But she didn't understand when I told her that. Oh well. I guess the care will thaw out when spring comes.

Mom got up this morning and after breakfast went straight to work, but she got it all done she said and so she can start tomorrow out with no work to do, which she says is a good thing, but of course now she says that I have to hurry because it's nap time/snuggle time. So this will be a short post, but wanted to let you know the current news around here. Well I'm off to have my nap/snuggle. Then dinner later on, I think I'm getting some chicken tonight. I like chicken!!


Friday, January 05, 2007

January 5, 2007

Hi everyone, well it's very very cold here today, -30 mom said. And our car won't start. And mom missed a doctors appointment because the car won't start. sigh. Dad had to take a taxi to work last night, and home again this morning. Not one of our better mornings so far!!

But, mom and I had oatmeal for breakfast and it was really good. I don't get the milk on it, but that's okay. It's still warm and toasty in my tummy. I think mom's going to work for a little while and then have a nap, that'll be nice, all curled up in our blankets!! I like afternoon naps.

According to mom the weather man said that it's only going to get colder here for the next week or so. So I guess we're going to be stuck inside for the next several days. It's way too cold for me to go out even with a sweater and booties on. And mom doesn't like going out in this cold weather either, it bothers her something awful. It makes her feel icky she says.

Anyhow, that's about it for right now, not much news happening around here today. :)


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Janaury 3, 2007

Hi Everybody, I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote in my blog, we've been busy, what with mom not feeling good, and then Christmas and New Years. Always lots to do around here too, mom seems to need lots of help lately, and I'm doing all I can to help her.

I sure hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. We sure did around here. We put out milk and cookies to Santa, and even left him a bully stick, but he left it for me I guess, maybe he didn't like bully sticks. Oh well, I tried!!

I got a new blanket, some squeaky toys, some really neat stuff to eat, and no clothes!! YAY! After all I'm a little boy, I'd only get them dirty anyways.

My friend, Mary-Margaret got a whole bunch of clothes, that's okay for her she's a little girl!!

For New Years, my dad had to work at midnight, but his workplace said he could be a little bit late, so he got to celebrate midnight with us before he went to work. We have cream cheese, and crackers, and shrimp, and apple cider. It was really good, all I got was the crackers and a little taste of cream cheese. Mom said the shrimp wouldn't be good for me, so I didn't get any of that. But on New Years Day we had pork and sauerkraut. I got a little tiny taste of the pork, it was goooooood! Yum!

Now that it's after the holidays, mom says we have to get "organized" whatever that is. I think it means work, cause dad told her not to worry about it, it's too much for her to do and it'd get dome sometime or other. So I figure it must be work.

Anyhow, mom says it's time to go lie down for a little while, and how it's my bedtime now. So I guess I better go and snuggle up with mom before she gets too tired.

Hope you all have a great week, and I'll be talking to you again really soon!! Maybe even tomorrow!!
