December 19, 2006, Christmas is Coming!!

Hi Everybody, my mom wanted me to let you know that the christmas graphics that I'm putting up here lately are just ones that I found on the net and liked. Slurp! I spend lots of time looking at free graphics on the web and saving the ones that I like, so they aren't my original graphics. I'm not very talented that way. So if you like them and want them, just right click on the graphic and you can have them too!! Mom says she has so many graphics that she's collected that she really needs to sort them all out and make a webpage of them all!! And most of that is a quote from mom cause all I know is these are pictures that are cute and I like them. Slurp!
Anyhow, I got to go with mom again today to see my new friend Winchester. I got to play with him again and it was really fun! Winchester is so nice and so big, I got to ride on his back around the office, it was so cool! Things sure look different from up there!! And then Winchester got a treat and he gave it to me. We sat under the desk while my mom talked to the nurse lady and we chewed on our treats. But then it was time to go home, so I had say bye to Winchester. We don't get to see him again until January mom said. But she promised me I'd get to go with her next time.
It was really cold out today too, so cold that we had fog outside! My mom said it was ice fog. I couldn't see anything outside it was so thick. It was really cold so I didn't stay out very long, it made my paws hurt. But when I came in after running in the yard for a minute or two, I did two circuits of our yard while I was out, mom had a really nice warm towel all warmed up in the dryer for me, and I got nice nice snuggles, but then she started to do my toenails, yuck! She cut them all off on me, and here I was trying to grow them out so I could climb up to where the cats sit on the back of the recliner!! Oh well, I'll just have to try again I guess.
And that's all my news for today!!
Hope you're getting lots of treats for Christmas!!